Annie’s Way 2022
Hosted by Saint William Catholic Church
Thursday, November 24, 2022
11:30am - 1:30pm
The Annie’s Way meal will include turkey, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and dessert.
Meals will be available for PICK UP, DELIVERY, or IN-PERSON LUNCHEON.
PICK UP- Thanksgiving plates are ready between the hours of 8 am through 11 am.
Delivery- Williamson County homebound families will be required to text your name, address, and how many
plates you need to 512-609-0263 before Friday, November 19th at Noon.
IN-PERSON LUNCHEON will be served in building 3 (Parish Hall) beginning at 11:30 am till 1:30 pm.
All meal preparations start at 7:00 am Thursday, November 24th at Saint William Catholic Church
620 Round Rock West Dr, 78681.
Want to Volunteer?
Annie’s Way is also an opportunity for community members to volunteer. This year, you can help by preparing a covered dish and dropping the dish off at Saint William Parish Hall Building 3, 620 Round Rock West Dr, Round Rock TX, 78681. Covered dish ideas include pies, sweet potato casserole, dressing/stuffing, cranberry sauce, and rolls/bread. Donations accepted on Wednesday from 8:00 am till Noon and Thursday from 8:00 am till 10:00 am.
For more information about this and volunteer positions please visit www.st-william.org or call 512-255-4473.